
Thursday, March 14, 2013

How to get it over!?

Generally, i loooove to draw and paint and do something with hands,


1. Too often think that it will be not good (can't tell not good for WHOM?!?!)
2. Afraid to spoil paper/materials etc

3. When I look for some links with artists and illustrators, it sooo great and it's looks so natural what they do..., that i can't think of drawing myself anymore(((...

As a result of all that yesterday was in big shop for drawing/painting
and didn't buy anything again...(((
HOW to get it over!?
How to start!?

Really, are all people who do something think that they are awesome??
Is it essential to NOT care what people will think of what you ve done?!
How don't be afraid of failure!?


  1. Well, may be you should start to draw just for yourself, for process and good emotions? without showing it to the whole world untill you are sure of yourself?
    In fact, you do it well. I remember this picture - you've drown it in school? may be you just need MORE PRACTICE!!!?
    As for me - i decide to do things for my flat with my hands - if I don't like them - I'll kill them) that's it)))))

  2. And... I don't know how to translate - Дорогу осилит идущий.

  3. Thanks). No, i made it in Moscow already...
    will try to start again...)
