
Friday, May 31, 2013

The week...

Hello, everyone...
Here are some highlights of passed week:

1. I still do not smoke. when i look outside and it is raining all the time, i want sit on the balcony with fruity tea, in blanket... there is also idea to have a cat on knees, but there is no wish to smoke... i think that is a result))

2. I surprised myself last weekend at the wedding... Only half a year i would understand nothing as they were speaking German, mostly Basel German or Bern German... and i was just listening and understanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )))

3. Recently several people from around go/went/plan to go to business trips... and i thought that well, nice. But i don't want to... i don't want business trips anymore... hotels-colleagues-presentations-exhibitions-work-dinners-less sleep-smiles-running around-taxies.... i was fun, but probably i had enough or!? I want and like to go home, sleep in my bed. near L.... boring?))

4. Since beggining of May almost 3-4 times a week i work in garden. Mostly cutting everything extra and cleaning territory... fighting with ivy... it will long and painful fight))... it is everywhere and with these rains it grows like hell!!

But I say that we built Saint-Petersburg on swamps... and put trans-sibirien railway... so i will win!!))

5. I finally found one of the greatest fm radio staions ever! we heard it in portugal, and there is almost no 1 song we didn't i can listen it online!)))))))) It is STAR FM!
here is a link for those who wanna try:
- official link- you can see there a name of the song in the corner on the top right
- and the link where you can actually listen it online

And i looove this language!!!)


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