
Monday, February 4, 2013

Dog question

Everybody likes dogs. But we need to remember that it is not a toy, and it is a big step to take a dog.
It's not for 1 year or 2, or a toy for a kid or whatever.
When i was kid all our surrounding had dogs, now in Russia they generally take less dogs, and it is either little ones (glamour bla bla) or prestige rare types.
Though there are less dogs, there is still shit question every spring in Russia. it is like you walk through the mine field.

Recently i saw a great video. Here it is (sorry, it's in Russian):
dog topic

When we took our dog, my mom and me took kilos of books, read everything about a dog type we wanted, we went for a training, we were feeding by clocks, do many rules to make a good, calm, smart, ruled, healthy dog.

According this video, there are no more official places to train a dog. and no one asks to do that. it would be good if there will be some vaccines. And of course there is no any punishment if dog would do any harm to anything or anybody.

HERE, before you take a dog, you need to make a test that you are an normal person to take a dog!! I think at least 30% of people in Russia who have dogs would fail! Then you need to sign that you are responsible for EVERYTHING that your dog makes. You promise officially to train it - there are obligatory courses for about 3 months or so. Then you need to do all medicine things for it's health.
Places where you can go with a dog without line can be counted in 1 hand i think. almost everywhere it is forbidden.

And of course here it is silent rule: you DO take ur dog's shit away! almost every second street has box with packages for it with optimistic and encouraging words to do it!!!

and though i loooooooooove dogs and really want one, i am not sure that:

1. I ll be able to spend so much time for it
2. connect and love it so much and see how it will die, saw it once already...

but will see...


  1. Shit question. See soon. On every street. Only in Russia. Yep...

  2. Alena, and this unforgettable smell every spring! A-haha!

  3. Not everybody loves dogs, some people really don't like them. The most common argument "they stink".. in any case, this is soo right to do what u described here. Having a dog is a social responsibility and not your "property" only. Come on, Masha! 2 kids and 1 dog! that is the perfect family! And a cat! hehe
