
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Retro equipment!

So, yesterday - having day off and listening to Fastnacht music I ve decided to make a cake!
Yes, a cake! First in my life, with self made everything!)

Then I ve found out that I do not have the right form for making it.
I bought it and some products.

And theeeeeeeeeeeen i ve got the veeery retro thing - my mom's mixer!
I think no one, really no one already has it!

The production year is 88!!!!! it costed 35 rubles! Huge sum in that time!
And my mom gave me as you know they do not like to throw anything away.
So I put it in the plug and tried for a sec - worked! Good!
Put away and started with the products.

Then mixer made some strange noises and there was a smoke out of it!!!!!!!!
I thought it out to the balcony being afraid it will blow up!

So, there was no chance for a cake this day anyway!
Today, I ll took a chance to buy a new mixer and finally make a cake!))))

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