
Friday, February 1, 2013

I was "counted"))

it is kind of funny feeling, like in russian cartoon: they counted us!
In Russia you need to prove everywhere that you exist and you need to have a lot of docs to do it.
Like, you go to a hospital or some administrative services, and they need to check and to search if you are in their registration.

Here you are once in the list, and then your info is everywhere! Going to do an abo for transport? you are in the system already with all the data. Calling to check how to change ur drive licence? you are already in the base and they can tell you what do you need to do, giving the answer based on ur information. Different- yes, convenient- yes, feeling of a Big brother watching-yes!))

1 comment:

  1. Just yesterday I tried to get a reference at our house management commitee. There was written: "To get the reference you need a passport". I was keeping my passp. and wondering if I can get this reference at once. Nooo Waaaay!!! When I asked for the document and gave my passp., they asked another document.. Crap!!! So I had to go home for another document, then go back. so it took me about 2 hours to get the simpliest reference.
