
Friday, February 1, 2013

Things i miss

Sometimes L. asks what i miss (in Moscow or previous life).

I miss my job. It was a great job, with wide responsibilities, great colleagues, nice boss, good conditions. I miss my friends, though we saw each other not so often in Moscow, we could do it when we wanted, now it is kind of far)). Of course there is still Skype and e-mail and phone, but it is different. I miss a bit the feeling of known situations, places and routes, let's say. What and where and when.... I am getting more and more comfortable here and sometimes surprise myself with a thought that i am only 7th month here, it feels sometimes like 2 years. In Moscow it took me 2-3 years to feel comfortable. I think I become more and more easy "relocating" kind of person. But i think we will not know it by changing again/or soon, as I am going to stay here for looooooooooong time:).

I miss my parents of course, but we also saw each other not often when I was in Moscow, and skype is there, so almost nothing changed.
I miss food, cafes and restaurants, i miss a bit flat long distances, as when we drive here, i am green-blue in car sick, cause of mountains roads and turns.
I miss my sport places and instructors, at the end you go not for a specific place, but for the trainer.
I miss a bit rush tempo of Moscow, when everything is fast and urgent, and everybody is running, but I think when i ll come there in May i will be already stressed by that)).

Sometimes i am tired to speak english and german, and i would really like to speak russian all the day. As i speak  3 languages at work, so when i am tired in the evening i can start the phrase with english, then a couple of words go in german, and in the end russian))... happens...

I miss calling to some friends late in the evening when i need to talk, or early in the morning to plan the day! (Yes, Kate, i am talking about you)). I generally at the moment do not have friends i can just call and say - Hi, let's go out! It is more planned here and people are busy to meet spontaneously  you need to call and plan at least for the next week. UF!

I am trying to make new friends, but with age it is more difficult, and it is a different level of friendship anyway. Sometimes I stop myself, cause i am afraid people will see me as maniac in friends' making. I don't want it to sound like: pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, be my frieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend!)))

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